Cost of Repairing a Gas Water Heater

( picture. water heater )

Water Heaters are heating devices for heating water for us to bathe, especially in cold weather during the rainy season. Water heaters are a practical solution for the current era.

This type of gas water heater uses LPG fuel gas or in other words methane gas, this gas water heater is the solution for us to save the buget we have, because this water heater is very economical than the electric water heater type.

For Service Costs Repair Gas Water Heater Is
>> Rp. 320,000, - {excluding spare parts}

This cost is very affordable, because if we buy a new gas water heater it can be 4x times the price of repairs, it's pretty economical isn't it.

GAS Water Heater Service / repair service

Tags: Water heater service costs, Water heater repair services, Gas water heater repair services, Electric water heater repair services.

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